Summer Camp 2011

Summer Camp 2011
Inspiring girls to be strong, smart and bold

Friday, April 15, 2011

Girls Inc of the Greater Peninsula Now Enrolling for Summer Camp 2011

Girls Incorporated of the Greater Peninsula's Summer Camps invests in Hampton Roads youth and their families.  According to FBI Crime statistics, juvenile crime peaks during the afterschool hours of 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., (out-of-school-time) for both boys and girls. The report also noted that these hours are also the hours when kids are most likely to become victims of violent crimes; be killed by household or other accidents; get hooked on cigarettes and experiment with other dangerous drugs. Experts also believe that these are the hours when teens are most likely to engage in sexual intercourse and when girls are most likely to become pregnant. Further the experts believe that these are the hours when kids of all ages are most likely to get hooked on video games and too often provide training for violent behavior.

Due to the lack of affordable out-of-school time activities, children in Hampton Roads are at times left unsupervised for a period of time each week.  These children may be more vulnerable to delinquency and academic problems.  Therefore, providing affordable before and after school services as well as summer camp programs may prevent these situations. Out-of-school time programs are now proven to greatly reduce the terrible prospect that children and teens will be caught up in behaviors that can ruin their lives and devastate innocent families in our communities.    The Girls Incorporated’s Afterschool and Summer Choice Project keep children safe and out of trouble and help youth learn to get along with others and succeed in school and in life. 

Studies show that out-of-school time activities can reduce juvenile crime and violence, reduce drug use and addiction, cut other risky behavior like smoking and alcohol abuse, reduce teen sex and teen pregnancies and boost school success and high school graduation.  Yet still needs are unmet.  Despite the progress of bipartisan support in Congress and among the public, programs such as the 21st Century Community Learning Centers only meet a small portion of the requests for funding and support from communities.  Programs such as the Child Care and Development Block Grants are sunder funded only serving one in ten of those eligible in 2000.  This result is that thousands of children ages 5 to 12 as well as thousands of teenagers on in communities are left without adult supervision during out-of-school time on a regular basis.  This proves that our community’s investment in making good and affordable out-of-school time programs available to its youth is falling short of the need.

Therefore, Girls Inc of the Greater Peninsula out-of-school time camps are worthy of support from the community because it address an America issue identified by the Fight Crime. Invest in Kids national organization that works to prevent youth violence.  Because all children are at heightened risk of becoming involved in juvenile crime or becoming a victim of crime as well as other dangers while unsupervised during out-of-school time requires that organization to put in place best practices and strategies that will direct young people toward productive and law-abiding alternatives to negative behaviors. Girls Incorporated Afterschool and Summer Camp projects provides alternatives for children and youth through participations in Girls Incorporated national researched curriculums and offers safe environments for girls growth and development..

Clearly, prevention programs should not be one-size-fits-all. Implementing gender specific curriculums is one way to ensure successful outcome for participants. For example, it is critically important for girls to feel safe in order to do education about sensitive issues that relates to them. It is imperative that girls understand their innocence and their rights and get the help that they need.  Girl-only and boys-only environments provide such an environment.  According to the Girls Study Group commissioned by the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate this population, family dynamics may be contributing to gender differences in juvenile arrests for assault. Research indicates that girls fight with family members or siblings more frequently than boys, who are more likely to fight with friends or strangers. Some research suggests that girls are three times as likely as boys to assault a family member.  Therefore, prevention programs designed for boys will fail to address these issues adequately for girls.

Quality prevention does not mean just a place to ‘store’ children and teens with a ping-pong table and a television set. Youths at Girls Inc. participate in research-based programs that stimulate and nurture and maximize their healthy intellectual and emotional development. In addition to homework help, we provide positive life skills and social skills that help children adopt positive peer groups and succeed in school, which promotes engagement, and in turn reduces truancy and other negative outcomes. Transportation is provided from school to Girls Inc Campuses where girls are provided a snack and supper before being released (pick-up) by an authorized adult.  Girls Incorporated of the Greater Peninsula prides itself on providing this quality services for an affordable rate to working families of only $25 per week for after-school and $50 per week for summer camp, Monday-Friday from 6AM to 6PM.  We also offer program scholarships to qualifying families that enables them to benefit from quality program services at no cost.   

Now Enrolling:
Girls Inc of the Greater Peninsula's Summer Camp 2011
June 20, 2011 - August 26, 2011
Monday-Friday, 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. 
$50 per week!
USDA breakfast, lunch and a PM snack provided daily
For information and to register call:
 757-244-0716 (Newport News, VA) or 757-727-6945 (Hampton, VA)

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